
3 posts

Press Release: Patricia Forde announced as Ireland’s seventh Laureate na nÓg

Patricia Forde was announced as the seventh Laureate na nÓg, Ireland’s Children’s Literature Laureate today (Friday 29 May) at a special event at the Arts Council. An award-winning children’s author from Galway, Forde will hold the title from now until 2026, taking up the position from the outgoing Laureate, Áine Ní Ghlinn.

By honouring an artist of exceptional talent and commitment, Laureate na nÓg champions and celebrates literature for children and young people, inspiring generations of writers, illustrators and readers. It is an initiative of the Arts Council, administered by Children’s Books Ireland with the support of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

Patricia Forde writes for all ages in Irish and in English. She has published over 20 titles, including her award-winning first novel, ‘The Wordsmith’. A former primary school teacher, Patricia is also a former Director of the Galway Arts Festival. She co-founded the Baboró International Arts Festival for Children in Galway in the mid-1990s; a world-class festival, based on the child’s right to culture. She is the former Chair of Children’s Books Ireland.

Prof. Kevin Rafter, Chair of the Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon, said: “Laureate na nÓg is the highest honour that can be awarded to a children’s writer or illustrator in Ireland. The role celebrates children’s literature and its contribution to cultural life and most critically seeks to connect children and young people with books and the joys of reading. I am delighted that a writer of the calibre of Patricia Forde is Ireland’s seventh Laureate. Her writing for children and young people is original and thought-provoking while her picture books for younger readers are captivating. I have no doubt that she will inspire a new generation of readers and writers in her role as Laureate over the next three years.”

Speaking as the new Laureate na nÓg, Patricia Forde said: “I’m delighted and honoured to be the seventh Laureate na nÓg and I look forward to bringing books and reading to children and young people all over the country for the next three years.

“My theme, ‘Samhlaigh, Samhlaigh! Making It Up As We Go Along’ is all about creativity and using imagination to enrich our lives. Creativity has been important to me throughout my life, and I feel strongly that children need this life skill now more than ever. Books are the fuel of imagination, and every child should have access to wonderful stories and the very best of children’s literature.”

Liam Hannaway, Arts Council of Northern Ireland Chair, commented: “The appointment of Patricia Forde as Laureate na nÓg is welcome news. During her time in this important role, Patricia will act as an ambassador for children’s writing, inspiring a new generation of readers and writers to open up their imaginations to new stories, poems, concepts and ideas. Laureate na nÓg is a unique honour, strengthening opportunities for young people across the island of Ireland to engage in high quality children’s literature.”

Patricia’s latest book, The Girl Who Fell to Earth, will be published by Little Island Books in June 2023.

Preaseisiúint | Press Release : Bronnann Laureate na nÓg agus Foras na Gaeilge 16,000 leabhar ar 21 scoil

Leagan Béarla thíos │ English version below

22 Meitheamh 2022

Inniu (22 Meitheamh), rinne Laureate na nÓg, Áine Ní Ghlinn, comóradh ar an gcéim deiridh i scéim an Ealaíontóra Cónaithe de chuid An Bhosca Leabharlainne, nuair a cuireadh níos mó ná 16,000 leabhar amach chuig 21 scoil fud fad na tíre. Seo buaicphointe an togra is uaillmhianaí riamh i litríocht do pháistí as Gaeilge.

Scéim an Ealaíontóra Cónaithe

Thug An Bosca Leabharlainne leabhair Ghaeilge iomlán nua go scoileanna ar fud na tíre. Bhí Scéim an Ealaíontóra Cónaithe ceaptha cur leis na leabhair, trí na scéalta agus na hamhráin a thabhairt chun beatha sna scoileanna. Le trí mhí anuas, tá na scoileanna agus na hEalaíontóirí Cónaithe ag obair as lámha a chéile chun grá agus gean don léitheoireacht as Gaeilge a spreagadh sna daltaí.

Sna bearta leabhar a bronnadh inniu ar na scoileanna tá dhá chuid éagsúla: rogha de leabhair Ghaeilge ar ardchaighdeán chun cur le leabharlann na scoileanna féin, agus féirín de dhá leabhar do chuile pháiste le tabhairt abhaile leo féin le coinneáil. Roghnaigh Áine Ní Ghlinn í féin na leabhar go ceanúil cúramach, le bheith cinnte go dtiocfaidís le haois agus cumas na ranganna.

Dúirt Áine Ní Ghlinn, Laureate na nÓg,

‘Mo mhíle buíochas le gach duine a chabhraigh leis an mbrionglóid a bhí agamsa a fhíorú. Buíochas ar leith tuillte ag Foras na Gaeilge as an maoiniú breise a chuir siad ar fáil le go bhféadfaimis cur le leabharlanna na scoileanna a bhí páirteach sna scéimeanna cónaithe agus le go bhféadfaimis na leabhair bhreise seo a bhronnadh ar na páistí. 

Ar an gcaoi seo, ní hamháin go raibh deis ag na páistí taitneamh agus tairbhe a bhaint as an mBosca Leabharlainne ar scoil, ach leis na bronntanais bhreise, d’éirigh linn cuid éigin den Bhosca Leabharlainne a chur abhaile freisin.  

Leanaimis orainn ag léamh agus ag cuidiú le páistí taitneamh agus spraoi a bhaint asleabhair Ghaeilge’

Séard atá mar téama ag Áine agus í ina Laureate ná an scíthléitheoireacht sa Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn, agus a chinntiú nach bhféachann tuismitheoirí ná páistí ar na leabhair Ghaeilge mar leabhair scoile, ach mar rud ar leith. Ciallaíonn na féiríní aonair go mbeidh a leabhair Ghaeilge féin sa bhaile ag gach dalta sa 21 scoil seo.

Ar dtús, bhí An Bosca Leabharlainne ceaptha bheith mar leabharlann bhídeach tosaigh do scoileanna fud na tíre nach raibh ach líon an-bheag leabhar Gaeilge acu cheana sa leabharlann scoile. Is ionann bronnadh na leabhar seo ag Foras na Gaeilge agus infheistíocht dhíreach i nglúin nua léitheoirí.

Dúirt Seán Ó Coinn, Príomhfheidhmeannach Fhoras na Gaeilge,

‘Níl aon bhealach níos fearr ann le tionchar a bheith againn ar fhorbairt na Gaeilge ná tionchar a bheith againn ar an aos óg. Tá an chomhpháirtíocht seo le Leabhair Pháistí Éireann agus Laureate na nÓg agus an tionscadal iontach seo i ndiaidh deis a thabhairt dúinn an chuid is fearr de litríocht na Gaeilge a chur i láthair pháistí ar fud an oileáin, agus tionchar dearfach a bheith againn, ní hamháin ar na páistí sin ach ar a múinteoirí agus ar dtuismitheoirí. A bhuí le hÁine Ní Ghlinn agus le Leabhair Pháistí Éireann, a raibh an fhís iontach acu don tionscadal, d’éirigh linn dul i bhfad níos faide leis an Bhosca Leabharlainne ná mar a bhí samhalta againn i dtús báire, agus is cinnte go bhfeicfimid toradh na hoibre seo sna blianta amach romhainn.’

Tacaíodh leis na scoileanna nach bhfuair Ealaíontóir Cónaithe trí shraith ceardlann ar líne curtha le chéile ag roinnt de na healaíontóirí féin a chur ar fáil, chomh maith le lámhleabhar tiubh tráthúil, Bímís ag Léamh, chun modhanna nua i dteagasc litríocht na Gaeilge sna scoileanna a chothú. Tá an dá acmhainn sin ar fáil ar líne ar


Laureate na nÓg and Foras na Gaeilge deliver 16,000 books to 21 schools

June 22nd 2022

Laureate na nÓg, Áine Ní Ghlinn, today(June 22nd) marked the final stage of the An Bosca Leabharlainne Artist in Residence scheme with the delivery of over 16,000 books to 21 schools across the country. In partnership with Foras na Gaeilge, this represents the culmination of the most ambitious children’s literature project ever undertaken in the Irish language.

The Artist in Residence Scheme

An Bosca Leabharlainne brought a curated selection of Irish language books to schools across the country. The Artist in Residence scheme was designed to complement those books and ensure that the stories and songs would come alive in schools. Schools have been working alongside their nominated Artist in Residence over the past three months to encourage a love of reading as gaeilge.

Today’s gift of books to schools is comprised of two elements – a selection of high quality Irish language books to enhance the schools’ own libraries; and a set of two books per child for them to take home and keep. The books were carefully chosen by Áine Ní Ghlinn to ensure that they would match the age and ability of each class group.

Áine Ní Ghlinn, Laureate na nÓg, said,

‘I am so grateful to everyone who made An Bosca Leabharlainne possible and who helped to turn my dream into a reality. A special thank you to Foras na Gaeilge for the extra funding so that the schools who participated in the residency got extra books for the school library plus two take-home books for every child in the school. As well as enjoying the Bosca Leabharlainne in school, the book gifts meant that an element of the Bosca Leabharlainne went beyond the school gate into the children’s homes.

Let’s all keep working together so that children continue to enjoy reading as Gaeilge. ’

The theme of Áine Ní Ghlinn’s laureateship is to encourage reading for pleasure in the Irish language, and to ensure that Irish language books are seen as something other than schoolwork by parents and children alike. The gift of books to individual students will mean each child in these 21 schools will have their very own leabhair Ghaeilge sa bhaile (Irish language books in the home)

An Bosca Leabharlainne was originally conceived as a starter library for schools across the country, many of whom would have few if any new Irish books in their own school libraries. With this gift to schools, Foras na Gaeilge have invested directly in a new generation of readers.

Seán Ó Coinn, Príomhfheidhmeannach Fhoras na Gaeilge said,

‘‘There is no better way to influence the development of the Irish language than to influence young people. This partnership with Children’s Books Ireland and Laureate na nÓg, and this wonderful project, has given us the opportunity to present the best of Irish language literature to children across the island, and not only to have a positive impact on those children, but on their teachers and parents. Thanks to Áine Ní Ghlinn and Children’s Books Ireland, who had the brilliant vision for the project, we have managed to go much further with An Bosca Leabharlainne than we initially imagined, and we are sure to see the impact of this work in the years to come.’

Schools that did not receive an Artist in Residence scheme were supported with a set of online workshops created by some of those artists, along with a detailed teacher’s handbook, Bímís ag Léamh, to encourage new approaches to the teaching of Irish language literature in schools. Both resources are available online at


Preaseisiúint / Press Release: An Bosca Leabharlainne Seolta ag an Aire Oideachais, Norma Foley TD

1 Márta 2022

Inniu, an 1 Márta, rinne Laureate na nÓg, Áine Ní Ghlinn, ceiliúradh ar An Bosca Leabharlainne, atá seolta ag an Aire Oideachais, Norma Foley TD. I gcomhpháirtíocht le Foras na Gaeilge agus leis an gComhairle Ealaíon, tá 55,000 leabhar á seoladh go breis agus 1,800 scoil le mí anuas.

Seo an méid a bhí le rá ag an Aire Oideachais, Norma Foley TD:

Is deacair teacht ar aon chaitheamh aimsire a thugann níos mó taitnimh nó tairbhe ná léitheoireaacht agus caithfimid gach rud gur féidir linn a dhéanamh chun an tsuim sin a spreagadh i ndaoine óga. Sin an fáth go bhfuil lúcháir orm inniu an tionscadal seo a sheoladh i gcomhpháirt le Foras na Gaeilge agus an Chomhairle Ealaíon.

Ár mbuíochas go deo as an tsár-obair agus an gcur chuige atá déanta ag Laureate na nÓg, Áine Ní Ghlinn, gur féidir le páistí ar fud na tíre taitneamh a bhaint anois as cruthaitheacht agus ceolmhaireacht sheanchas na hÉireann inár dteanga dhúchais.’

Is é an fhís atá ag Áine Ní Ghlinn mar Laureate na nÓg ná léitheoireacht na Gaeilge a spreagadh mar chaitheamh aimsire, ní mar ‘obair bhaile’ amháin. Anois go bhfuil scoth na leabhar Gaeilge ar fáil ina gcuid scoileanna féin, tá an deis sin ag páistí ar fud na tíre. I ndiaidh an tseolta, reáchtáladh ceardlann litríochta le páistí ag Gaelscoil Lios na nÓg, Raghnallach.

Seo an méid a bhí le rá ag Laureate na nÓg, Áine Ní Ghlinn:

Tá ríméad orm go bhfuil An Bosca Leabharlainne ar an mbealach anois chuig scoileanna ar fud na tíre. Tá an-chuid oibre déanta ag gach duine a raibh baint acu leis an togra ollmhór seo. Ba mhaith liom mo bhuíochas a ghabháil le Leabhair Pháistí Éireann, An Chomhairle Ealaíon agus Foras na Gaeilge as an deis seo a thabhairt dom, as an tacaíocht ar fad – idir obair agus mhaoiniú – a thug siad domsa agus don Bhosca Leabharlainne. Tá 55,000 leabhar d’ardchaighdeán imithe amach anois chuig scoileanna ar fud na tíre agus tá súil agam go mbainfidh páistí agus múinteoirí spraoi agus sult, taitneamh agus tairbhe as na Boscaí Leabharlainne go léir’

Tháinig tacaíocht don tionscadal, atá ar scála i bhfad níos mó ná mar a samhlaíodh ar dtús, ón gComhairle Ealaíon, agus ó Fhoras na Gaeilge.

Seo mar a labhair Príomhfheidhmeannach Fhoras na Gaeilge, Seán Ó Coinn:

‘Aithníonn Foras na Gaeilge ríthábhacht na léitheoireachta i gcur chun cinn na Gaeilge. Cuireann Foras na Gaeilge tacaíocht ar fáil do scríbhneoirí agus d’fhoilsitheoirí le go mbeidh siad in ann leabhair den chéad scoth a chur ar fáil do phobal na Gaeilge. 

Tá lúcháir orainn a bheith a tacú leis an phríomhthionscadal atá ag Áine Ní Ghlinn mar Laureate na nÓg. Tá leabhair iontacha roghnaithe do na boscaí leabharlainne. Músclóidh na leabhair suim na bpáistí sa léitheoireacht agus cuideoidh na hacmhainní breise le múinteoirí agus iad ag spreagadh na bpáistí agus ag cothú léitheoirí don todhchaí’.

Bhí an méid seo le rá ag Stiúrthóir na Comhairle Ealaíon, Maureen Kennelly:

‘Ó chuir an Chomhairle Ealaíon tús le Laureate na nÓg in 2010, chuir an meon flaithiúlachta a léirigh gach Laureate ina gcláir phoiblí iontas an domhain orainn. Trína sárobair mar ealaíontóir cruthaitheach, tá Áine Ní Ghlinn tar éis grá do theanga agus do scéalta a dhaingniú cheana leis na glúine léitheoirí. Anois, leis an gclár uaillmhianach seo, éascóidh Áine arís paisean don léitheoireacht as Gaeilge do leanaí ar fud na tíre, ar scála atá inspioráideach agus leitheadach.’

Idir mí an Mhárta agus mí an Mheithimh, méadóidh tionchar an tionscadail, le clár ealaíontóirí cónaithe i bhfeidhm i scoil agus fiche. Mar aon leis na leabhair féin, tá acmhainní breise ar fáil do gach scoil, i bhfoirm leabhrán tacaíochta agus físcheardlanna le scríbhneoirí, ar shuíomh an Laureate,


Íoslódáil an preaseisiúint anseo

An Bosca Leabharlainne launched by Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD

Laureate na nÓg, Áine Ní Ghlinn, today (March 1st) celebrated the launch of her flagship project, An Bosca Leabharlainne, by Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD. Produced in partnership with Foras na Gaeilge and the Arts Council, the project has delivered 55,000 books to over 1,800 schools this month.

Speaking at the launch, Minister Foley said,

‘There are few greater pleasures in life than reading, and we must do everything we can to instil a passion for reading in our young people. This is why I am so happy to launch this project today in partnership with Foras na Gaeilge and the Arts Council. 

With thanks to the excellent work and commitment of Laureate na nÓg Áine Ní Ghlinn children across the country can enjoy the creativity and colour of Irish storytelling though our native language.’

Áine’s vision as Laureate na nÓg is to promote reading for children as Gaeilge as a hobby, and not simply as homework. Now that a selection of high-quality, original books as Gaeilge have arrived into schools, children in every county in Ireland will have that exact opportunity. The launch was followed by a workshop with children at Gaelscoil Lios na nÓg in Ranelagh, Dublin 6.

Áine Ní Ghlinn, Laureate na nÓg, said,

‘I am delighted An Bosca Leabharlainne is on its way to schools across the country. A huge amount of work has got the project to this point, and I would like to extend my thanks to Children’s Books Ireland, the Arts Council and Foras na Gaeilge for giving me, and for giving the project, the opportunity and the support needed to bring An Bosca Leabharlainne to fruition. 55,000 high-quality books have been sent to schools around the country, and I hope children and teachers will benefit from, and enjoy, An Bosca Leabharlainne.’

Support for the project, which is on a much larger scale than first envisaged, came from the Arts Council and from Foras na Gaeilge.

Seán Ó Coinn, Príomhfheidhmeannach Fhoras na Gaeilge said,

Foras na Gaeilge recognises the vital importance of reading in the promotion of the Irish language. Foras na Gaeilge supports both writers and publishers to ensure that high quality books are available as Gaeilge. We are delighted to be supporting Áine Ní Ghlinn’s flagship project as Laureate na nÓg. An Bosca Leabharlainne contains a wonderful selection of books which will inspire children to read, while the additional resources included will support teachers in fostering a love of reading into the future.’

Stiúrthóir na Comhairle Ealaíon, Maureen Kennelly, said,

‘Since the Arts Council initiated Laureate na nÓg in 2010, we have been blown away by the generosity of spirit that each Laureate has demonstrated through their public programmes. Through her magnificent work as a creative artist, Áine Ni Ghlinn has already embedded a love of language and story with generations of readers. Now, with this ambitious programme, Áine will further enable a passion for reading as Gaeilge for children across the country, on a scale that is inspiring and far-reaching.’

From March until June, An Bosca Leabharlainne will extend its impact with an artist-in-residence programme across 21 schools, along with an online resource booklet and video resources for classrooms available to all at


Download the press release here.